June 22, 2011

Paper Folding

Human Figures By Giang Dinh

Check out this wicked documentary by filmmaker Vanessa Gould called "Between The Folds", about origami as an art form and as a science. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it, and I'm sure you'll have a new appreciation for the art form after seeing it too. Its pretty profound..the limited medium, the self contained final product, the manipulation, the process of creating, the math behind it..i could go on and on and on... The film features spotlights on the legendary Akira Yoshizawa, who was basically the grandfather of origami, and even Erik Demaine, who is a mathematician, has his PhD in Computational Origami and is a professor at MIT.  It's an awesome film, check it out

Brian Chan

Eric Gjerde

Here's the link  http://www.greenfusefilms.com/